Friday, October 31, 2008

Just resign already.

Last night's TV: Ugly Betty, The Office, the season premiere of 30 Rock, and Life on Mars, plus The Daily Show/Colbert Report.

I am very glad Lindsay Lohan is gone gone gone from Ugly Betty. Still hate that storyline and what Betty has become. I don't know why they can't give her a title, even if she has business cards, or why she has to dress like such a nightmare. Who wears a blue satin cocktail dress to work, even at a fashion magazine? Anyhow, it's old and the only thing I liked was Daniel's behind the scene machinations. And seriously just how bad were Betty's teeth that she still needs braces? I'd fire my orthodontist if I were her, or at least get Invislign (sp?). She has health insurance now, even if she didn't when she got them.

The Office didn't really do it for me. I laughed, but didn't chortle, though I did giggle at Andy biting a raw beet, but not being able to, and Dwight actually doing it. I don't really get why Angela didn't have a single line when Dwight and Andy were fighting, though the facial expressions were good. Michael and Holly are just tragic, and the singing was all pretty funny. But I really just plain didn't get the whole Jim/Pam/Jim's brothers thing. I get that the whole bunch of them like pranks, but the prank was so lame, which I know was the point, but still I'm not sure where they are going with this. It's very sad that a happy Jim and Pam is a dull Jim and Pam, but I'm starting to think that's the case. Though it is pretty funny that Jim just took off without even letting Michael know, and the lunatics were running the asylum. Maybe I was just in a mood, which is why it's still on TiVo because I imagine after I read zap2it and TWOP there may be something I am just forgetting this morning and maybe I'll watch again.

Yay! 30 Rock is back. That was overall pretty good. I don't see how Liz could bring up a baby, but it makes a certain amount of sense she might want to and it's not like that light fell down in her own office. Not terribly memorable, though, as I couldn't quote a line now. I've read that next week with Oprah is much better.

Life on Mars was about the same but the music was actually good stuff and not goofy. Between the Velvet Underground, T-Rex, and the Kinks, I would have been pretty happy to be at that disco, and would defininitely have been dancing, but none of those are songs that are going to be stuck in my head for a week like the last few have had. I also sort of wish that in the part where Sam is watching Nixon on TV talking about energy and George Bush fades in and out that it was Obama because I'd love for future DVD/syndication/online watchers to be able to forget this whole sordid 8 years, but Bush is also a lot more like Nixon so I guess it makes sense. But as I've said before, I don't like police procedurals or "guy shows" and I'm mostly only it it for the music and the hints about "what's going on" so this show runs the risk of losing me if it doesn't keep it up with that stuff. But hey, if it keeps me from watching ER, it's a good thing. Though I have to say if I went back to 1973 my first thought would probably be "everything is so ugly" between clothes, furniture and everything on TV, but then I might think it was kind of restful to have just a few channels, no cell phone, no internet, not so much advertising everywhere. But then I'd look at Nixon and, like Sam, say "Just resign already!" I also don't think people would get my ironic sense of humor too well, either, and god knows what I'd do with myself when work wasn't crazy, so I guess I'll stay here.

For reasons I don't understand, next week there is no Chuck, no Pushing Daisies (for at least two weeks, and the prognosis is really bad for any more being aired) and no Degrassi. My normal watching, between those preemptions, and all the stuff that ended in the last two weeks, will be pretty limited so I really need to get something good from Netflix. Maybe Six Feet Under, but it's just so heavy. Of course, I'll watch what I suspect is the series finale of Top Design (good riddance), and I'll be watching the Indecision 2008 Stewart/Colbert special on Tuesday! Oh, how I can't wait for this all to be over and to have a President Obama. Or not, but at least we'll know. Pu Pu Pu.

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