Friday, December 5, 2008

Betty's bad clothes and solid gold staplers

I'm listening to very loud music while I blog and I've got two people cleaning my place, one of whom seems very upset--and not so great either if the bathroom is any evidence. But better than I feel like doing before a party I'm having on Sunday. I never entertain because I hate to clean and my cats make messes and shed everywhere and I don't want to let anyone in without having it really clean--so I'm in a bind.

Anyhow, TV. The Office was more like old school Office last night I think--they were in the office, Jim and Pam were pranking each other, and everyone was taking sides over chairs or a copy machine. I would have gone with chairs myself--a bad back is part of the reason I hate to clean so much. Of course I also hate all the copy machines at my office which, on the rare occasions I try to use one, inevitably jam. I don't think we're going to have a surplus this year--nor is any paper company but hey, that's why fiction is fun. Somehow, when I read the description on TiVo, that the office mates were trying to decide how to spend a surplus, I was thinking of it more like when they had a surplus at Springfield Elementary and people were ordering solid gold staplers and stuff (I just searched for a good ten minutes and could not figure out which episode this was or precisely what they ordered), so I will say I was a wee bit disappointed to find them asking for such pedestrian things, although Michael's $675 man fur from Burlington Coat Factory, that he turned out not to be able to afford because he didn't get the bonus he could have for turning the surplus back in, but couldn't take back because an anti-fur activist threw red paint on it, was much closer to what I had in mind.

30 Rock was OK, but I'm not really sure I got the whole Liz being a bully thing. Yes, obviously her funniness comes from defensiveness, and I'm sure she muttered nasty things under her breath about the popular crowd, but who would have listened or cared? It's an interesting conceit to think they might have cared but what kind of wimpy popular crowd did that school have? Anyhow, the whole thing came off as mean spirited. Not my favorite, but interesting by being, I believe, the first episode this season without a celebrity guest. Just the core, plus Rip Torn who is semi-regular anyhow.

Ugly Betty--oh my fucking god what was she wearing. I honestly don't get it. She goes out with Amanda, and Amanda gets a fabulous $2000 dress for free (well, she pays for it, but keeps the tags in and intends to take it back) and scores Betty a scarf that same way that doesn't even match. I mean nothing on earth would have matched that monstrosity, but it was sort of teal and pink (I think--I was too blinded to really see it) and the tights another non-matchy color, and the scarf was a deep red. And her wig is terrible, and her braces binding (are Invisiline really that much more expensive?) and there was just no way those "Italian" guys would have picked her up if it wasn't some kind of trick--which it was since those guys dined and dashed. It's a good storyline to have her and Amanda teamed up, and Ignacio encouraged her to learn from Amanda, which I hope to god she will if only fashion-wise. It's driving me nuts. The ugly in Ugly Betty is not supposed to be literal, not after this many seasons.

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