I know, I've been neglecting this blog since the beginning of the year. I have real problems with
February. It used to at least be sweeps month and so everyone on TV would be getting married or having babies or dying, but it isn't really working that way anymore (I read somewhere it's now in March but I suspect it will be applied inconsistently). I'm actually feeling a real deflation after the Oscars, too. Plus it snowed again last night, and it's cold, and I've had enough.

But I figured I would write anyhow because the whole point was to instill some writing discipline, and anyhow with February nearly over, Spring can't be too far behind. Right? So here are some tulips.

Lost was interesting, though I'm not sure what we learned. We were pretty sure Ben was evil, and now we know at least at minimum he'd kill a man in cold blood (but we knew that from "the purge" and his general attitude towards anyone who isn't a main character). What we don't really know is why just the mention of Eloise Hawking made him turn from begging Locke not to kill himself, to finishing the job himself. Widmore came off as a good guy, but we still don't know. We do have confirmation that that space in Tunisia is "the exit." How'd they get rid of the polar bear skeleton? Did the sand eat it away? I don't know how you'd dispose of such a thing. A museum? I guess that was three years prior to Locke popping out there.
New characters seem OK--at least one new woman who is probably Israeli, or at least Jewish since her name is Ilana (the name of one of my cousins) an ethnicity sorely lacking on this show so far, and a man named Caesar who seems Middle Eastern, but who knows? They saw Hurley and others "disappear" yet landed on the island and found Locke, who was flying in cargo in a coffin (an un-nailed shut coffin, which bothered me at the butcher shop, and on the plane--wouldn't it just fly open?), but is clearly alive again.
I've given up on Heroes and Life on Mars since I last wrote, Monk and Psych are done for the season, and Top Chef has only next week's reunion. Reaper will be back, in 90210's slot (I think that may be moving to 9, but not for at least three weeks), so I guess I'll watch it but don't really care. Big Love has gotten excellent, United States of Tara is intriguing enough and I'm caught up "On Demand"-wise with Six Feet Under (I guess I'm through season 3) and The Sopranos (through episode 7--shows I already saw years ago but forgot). I could rent either on Netflix, and just might, but I'm kind of enjoying doling them out slowly. The Wire is back with episode 1, too, and I could watch that too. We'll see how much snow there is and how bored I get.
1 comment:
90210 will be in repeats for the next 3 weeks until it starts new. But yay! New Reaper on the 3rd!
Also, this is the only year sweeps will be in March. It was changed due to the digital transition, which was supposed to happen earlier in February.
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