I did wonder about Serena wearing a sparkly sweater that looks a lot like the one I just ordered (see above) to high school. It's what I'm planning to wear for New Year's Eve. Hers seemed to have actual pailletes on it, though. Anyhow, it made me feel very poor that something I'd spend birthday money on for special occasion wear would be everyday wear for her, but that's the show, isn't it. The rich are different from you and me.

It's sort of interesting to me that last year there were four Chucks in primary roles on network television. Back to You, featuring Kelsey Grammer as newscaster Chuck only made it through last season. Pushing Daisies (sob) has been canceled, so relatively soon we won't have Charlotte "Chuck" Charles to kick around anymore. I'm very worried that putting House up against the show called Chuck on clusterfuck Monday will doom it, despite the full season order, which leaves Gossip Girl, which I assume isn't going anywhere and Chuck Bass. I wonder what the next shared name will be?
Otherwise, I haven't posted here in while, in part because with Thanksgiving last week was a bit lighter on TV. The Monk and Psych Christmas episodes were not very memorable, except that Monk was unbelievably rude to some homeless men, calling them "bums." I did enjoy a whole BH 90210 marathon of "Kelly's Leftovers" that they were still having commercials for yesterday. It's definitely clear when the show gets darker and the dialogue gets more unbelivable. This happened about 3PM, but before that I was enjoying it, even if I already know what's going to happen well before it does.
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