Monday, November 17, 2008

SNL: That's so gay

Friday was Degrassi, Saturday was SNL, Sunday was The Simpsons, Desperate Housewives, and Skins. Degrassi did something interesting, what with having the double standard for Indian girls and boys, but the newbies are still boring and Emma/Manny/Liberty is so far very silly and dull what with them all wanting to go out with their non-cute roommate. I know there's an article in Flow this month about Canadian teen shows, but I haven't read it yet.

I love Paul Rudd, who was the host on SNL but it really bugs me that every sketch had a silly homoerotic slant. I don't know if that's just the show these days, or the Apatowness of current humor, or what Paul Rudd thinks is funny but it really bugs me. Given that only Kristen Wiig had anything to do of the women, and that only in one sketch, and that only one of the new women seemed to have lines, and those were just as a waitress, it may be that Paul Rudd was the impetus for all the sketches. Even the Beyonce sketch was about male dancers with the central conceit being "isn't it funny that these guys are gay?" and included Justin Timberlake who also brings on that kind of behavior in his appearances. Why is this necessary? Why is it funny? The sketch where the family was all kissing each other was funny only for the discomfort it brought on, and the idea that all the actors, who I guess we are supposed to assume are all very straight, would go for it.

I couldn't not watch a Simpsons episode in which Lisa enters a crossword puzzle tournament, given that I do about 8 crossword puzzles a week, and loved the use of "Word Up," and the cool graphics, but overall a lame attempt. I tried to imagine how much cooler the episode might have been 5 or so years ago. Desperate Housewives has gotten into a nice groove, and Steven Weber is always a nice addition to any cast, but can they keep up the Dave mystery all season? It might be smarter to solve that one by the end of November sweeps and then start up something else in January. Anyhow, I don't really care about it. I also checked out the new Summer Heights High on HBO. That isn't going to save them, it has the same "that's so gay" problem, and the mean girl is not interesting. The Polynesian bully is slightly interesting and I'll check it out again, but am not very intrigued and it should be totally up my alley. I do need to find some Australian teen shows to watch.

I'll be very sorry when Skins is done as it only has two more episodes for the season, I think. I feel bad for Sid though. And Cassie. Though I guess they'll ultimately get together. And it does bother me that Jal, the smart girl and the only girl of color, didn't get an episode of her own this season, and her only storyline was being with Chris, my least favorite character, and while I don't care about Anwar, the fact that he's the other character of color and his only storyline is being with the crazy girl with no dedicated episode makes this show no better than the average teen show in terms of multicultural representation. One of them could have the final episode, but I don't think so although from what I've read I guess come to think of it she will be very affected. Since only Effie will be in the next season there's not much time.

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