Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lighten Up, It's Just a Fashion Magazine

Last night I forewent the Obama thing in favor of Pushing Daisies, a show that's just really enjoyable. Although it's about death, and about a relationship that can never be consummated, it's also relentlessly cheery in a way we need today. Or at least I do. I seem to be the only one and the show is on the cancellation block. That will make me sad. Even if it stays on we haven't seen the aunts for three weeks. Are they trying to save money by not having to pay the whole cast? I know that's how the CW seems to work, which is why there is a b or c tier cast member (Vanessa, one of the parents, Erik, who really should be main cast) missing from most episodes, and Greek seems to have this issue too, but I don't think it's common for major network shows. Anyhow, I hope last night's ratings are either really great because people are sick of politics and watched the only other thing available on a major network, or don't really count.

Anyhow, I'm not sure if the whole Chinese restaurant/Chinese mafia thing was racist or not, and it sort of might undo a little the goodwill I had for them not even questioning the fact that white Debra Mooney was very dark Chi McBride's mom, but on the other hand I really want to play Dim Sum poker. And Ned's brothers are cute, even if magic is goofy.

I'm way behind on Dirty, Sexy Money (they don't use that serial comma that I would), but finally watched the one from 3 weeks ago that I fell asleep during (and I fall asleep in front of the TV, like once a year). It's an OK show, but somehow when they made it dirtier, sexier and monier as I asked for, they removed something. Or maybe it's just in really bad taste to be watching rich adults right now. Teenagers, like the ones on Gossip Girl and 90210 are supposed to live in a bubble comprised of their own friends, lovelives, and plans for the mythical future and don't have to understand the economy, but the youngest Darling is at least 20, so they really should be more careful about conspicuous consumption. But with Mad Men, Greek, Project Runway, Top Design, and I assume Entourage soon out of the picture for a while, unless I want to find something else to do, I'll keep watching I guess. I need something fictional to enjoy.

Top Design got it right, I think, but the only one I really liked was Ondine. I liked her home as well and am jealous of her modern design classics. She won't win, though. Nathan or Preston will. I imagine Nathan will do something really clever and pull it out. But between this and Stylista, a real train wreck, and not necessarily in a good way, I'm just sick of watching people be mean about petty shit. So Preston doesn't drink. So what? Speaking of Stylista, Kate may be very dislikable, but anyone who doesn't know that bubble tea is so 5 years ago is lame, and she was right. And I'm sure a panic attack is no fun at all and I'm sorry for that guy I guess, but seriously, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's just TV. It's only the second week, if he can't take that little amount of pressure, he can't work at a magazine, or really any other workplace.

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